“In my beginning is my end”
— T. S. Eliot
Simplified Meaning:
Every ending has its roots in the beginning, much like a tree's growth starts from a tiny seed and eventually leads to its full form and final moments. Imagine you start baking a cake. From the moment you mix the ingredients, you set in motion everything that happens next – the batter rising, the cake baking, and eventually, the cake being eaten or left uneaten. Similarly, in life, the choices and actions we take at the start of any journey or endeavour already hint at how things might turn out in the end. It's like planting a garden; the kind of seeds you choose and how you care for them determine the type of garden you'll have. This quote reminds us to be mindful of our beginnings because they set the stage for the conclusions we will eventually reach. So, when starting anything new, be it a project, a relationship, or a personal goal, think through your actions carefully because they will shape the outcome.