"Un homme sage devrait écrire ainsi (bien que dans des mots compris par tous les hommes), que seuls les hommes sages devraient pouvoir le louer."
— Thomas Hobbes
Simplified Meaning:
When a smart person writes, they should use simple words that everyone can understand. However, they should write in such a way that only other smart people will truly appreciate or praise their work. For example, think about a clever joke that sounds funny to everyone, but only a few people understand the deeper meaning behind it. It's like when a teacher explains a complicated topic in a simple way so that all students understand, but only the best students notice the deeper insight and the teacher's real skill. Someone can apply this to their life by making their work accessible to everyone but adding extra layers of quality that only the most knowledgeable or skilled people will recognize. This way, they earn respect from both the general audience and the experts.