"المشكلة ليست أن جوني لا يستطيع القراءة. المشكلة ليست حتى أن جوني لا يستطيع التفكير. المشكلة هي أن جوني لا يعرف ما هو التفكير؛ فهو يخلط بينه وبين الشعور."
— Thomas Sowell
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, people mistake their emotions for clear thinking. For example, imagine a student named Johnny who didn't study for his test and ended up failing. Instead of understanding this logically and planning to study better next time, he feels upset and decides he’s just not smart enough. He thinks his feelings of frustration are the same as understanding the problem, but they're not. Thinking means looking at facts and figuring out why things happen the way they do. When Johnny learns to separate his emotions from logical thinking, he can better solve problems and improve. This teaches us that we need to clear our mind from our feelings when trying to understand and fix issues.
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Cognitive skills Critical thinking Education Emotional intelligence Intellectual development Learning process Reading comprehension Self-awareness Teaching methodsFEATURED QUOTES