"أعتقد أنك إذا كنت صغيرًا ولديك ارتباط بأي شيء، سواء الموسيقى أو العلوم أو التمثيل، وهذا هو شغفك... فعلى الأقل افعل ذلك من أجلك."
— Tyler, The Creator
Simplified Meaning:
When you're young and you discover something you really love, like playing music, studying science, or acting in plays, it's important to spend time doing it just because it makes you happy. This means pursuing your favorite things not because someone told you to, or because you think you have to for a job, but because it brings joy and fulfillment to you personally. For example, if you love painting, spend time doing it because it makes you feel good, not just because you're trying to sell your artwork or impress others. Imagine a teenager who loves playing the guitar. Instead of worrying about becoming a famous musician right away, they should play the guitar simply because they enjoy it. Over time, this passion could grow into a career, but even if it doesn't, the happiness it brings to their life is valuable on its own. Doing what you love works as a form of self-care and keeps you connected to yourself, boosting your spirit and creativity. This can be applied to anyone's life by prioritizing hobbies and interests that genuinely excite you, making sure to carve out time for them amidst other responsibilities.