"ربما أكون كبيرًا في السن ومتعبًا، لكنني دائمًا أعتقد أن فرص معرفة ما يحدث حقًا ضئيلة جدًا لدرجة أن الشيء الوحيد الذي يجب فعله هو اتباع تعليمات المحترفين عبر الأجيال والعالم والتخطيط لإلحاق أقل قدر ممكن من الضرر."
— Umberto Eco
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, the world is so complex and confusing that understanding everything seems almost impossible. Imagine trying to fix a car without any knowledge about engines; it’s best to leave it to a mechanic who knows what they are doing. In life, there are experts in different fields who have studied and learned a lot over time. These professionals, like doctors, scientists, or teachers, can guide us in making good decisions. If we follow their advice, we can avoid many mistakes and troubles. This way, we can live in a way that doesn't cause too much trouble or harm to ourselves and others.
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Acceptance Cynicism Experience Guidance Pragmatism Professionalism Realism Resignation Skepticism Wisdom