“I am not one of those who believe that taking drugs produces a permanent bettering of the human mind. Every great writer, every genuine artist, has had the experience of being intoxicated by language.”
— Virginia Woolf
Simplified Meaning:
Some people think that using drugs can permanently make the mind better or more creative, but that's not true. Real creativity comes from a deep love and passion for words. For example, famous writers and artists often feel a natural high when they are engaged in their craft, without needing substances. When they write or create, they are full of energy and ideas because they are truly inspired by what they do. If you want to be creative or innovative, focus on finding that kind of passion and excitement in your work. This natural excitement for what you do leads to genuine creativity and fulfillment, unlike the temporary and often harmful effects of drugs.
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Art Creativity Drug use Expression Inspiration Intoxication Language Literature Mind WritingFEATURED QUOTES