“Doubt is an uncomfortable condition, but certainty is a ridiculous one.”
— Voltaire
Simplified Meaning:
Doubting something means you're unsure and it makes you feel uneasy or worried. But being totally sure about everything all the time doesn't really make sense. For example, think about when you're doing a group project. If you doubt everyone's ideas a bit, it might be stressful, but it helps you ask questions and consider other possibilities. On the other hand, if you believe your idea is the only right one, you might miss better solutions and look foolish because nobody knows everything. It’s okay to have questions and uncertainty because it helps you learn and grow. Being too sure can close your mind off from new ideas and make you less adaptable.
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Belief Certainty Comfort Doubt Introspection Philosophy Skepticism Truth Voltaire WisdomFEATURED QUOTES