"علينا أن نحلم إذا أردنا أن نحقق حلماً."
— Walt Disney
Simplified Meaning:
To achieve something great, you first need to imagine it in your mind. Think of an athlete who wants to win a gold medal. They don't start training without knowing what they want to achieve. They have a clear vision of winning the medal, which motivates them to practice every day. Without this dream, they wouldn't have the drive to put in the hard work needed. In everyday life, if you want to start a successful business, you must first dream about your business idea. That dream then pushes you to take the steps necessary to make it happen. So, having a dream is the first step to achieving anything big in life.
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Achievement Ambition Aspiration Dreams Goal setting Inspiration Life goals Motivation Personal development SuccessFEATURED QUOTES