"Eres lo que eliges ser hoy. No lo que elegiste ser antes."
— Wayne Dyer
Simplified Meaning:
Your current actions and choices define you, not your past decisions. Imagine a person who used to be lazy and unmotivated but decides to start working hard and being productive from today. Even though they were lazy before, their new commitment to hard work is what truly represents who they are now. Similarly, someone who may have made mistakes or bad choices in the past can change their behavior and make better choices starting today. If they do, they can become someone different and better than they were before. It's like a student who used to fail tests, but then starts studying more and becomes an honor student. What matters most is what they are doing now, not what they did before. Anyone can change their life direction at any moment. By making good decisions today, they can shape a better future for themselves. This idea encourages people to focus on present actions and not be held back by their past.