“You have to follow your heart and listen to your intuition.”
— Whitney Wolfe Herd
Simplified Meaning:
When people say you should follow your heart and listen to your intuition, they mean you should trust your own feelings and instincts when making decisions. Instead of always depending on what others think or what seems logical, pay attention to what feels right deep inside you. Imagine you have a friend who asks you to do something, but it doesn’t sit well with you for some reason—not because it's dangerous, but because it just feels wrong. Your intuition is that quiet inner voice urging you to rethink your choices. For example, let’s say you are offered a job that pays well but doesn’t align with what you enjoy, like being asked to work in sales when you love teaching. Following your heart would mean choosing the path that brings you joy and satisfaction, even if it’s not the most lucrative one. By doing so, you're likely to be happier and more fulfilled in the long run. So, when making choices, consider both your logical thoughts and what your feelings are whispering to you.