“Homo sapiens does its best to forget the fact, but it is an animal”
— Yuval Noah Harari
Simplified Meaning:
People like to think they are very different from animals, but they are animals too. Humans have big brains and can do amazing things like build cities, create art, and solve problems. However, they still have basic needs such as food, water, and sleep, just like any other animal. For instance, even though people have fancy kitchens and eat with utensils, they still have to eat to stay alive, same as a dog or a bird. Sometimes, humans forget this connection and think they are completely separate from nature. This can lead to problems like not taking care of the environment or ignoring how good it feels to be outside. By remembering that they are part of the animal world, people can live in a way that respects and cares for nature more. For example, planting trees, recycling, or even just spending time outside can help people feel more connected to the Earth and understand their place within the natural world.