Business Quotes
"Failure of your company is not failure in life. Failure in your relationships is. "
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks; everyone else looks for work"
"The company without a strategy is willing to try anything"
"The only reason you should be an entrepreneur is because that's the only way the idea will come into the world"
"The best CEOs I know are teachers, and at the core of what they teach is strategy"
"What we need to do is run our business. We need to come up with a value prop that is so compelling that customers have to go for it"
"If you bring that scrappy fierceness with you, it works until you get big, when really pushing all the way really feels uncomfortable... When you're the little guy, that's lauded, that's heroic"
"At Uber, we say, 'Always be hustling.' Even if you are an introvert and you haven't got hustle in you, you better get a co-founder who does"
"In business, I think the most important thing is to position yourself for the long term and not be too impatient"
"What we do in our group is a mix of creativity, craftsmanship, and business. The three go together"
"The goal of a startup is not to stay a startup. Being a startup is a means to an end"
"The most important ingredient for the success of any company is the quality of its people, starting with its leadership team"
"This may sound trite, but I believe it to be true: Entrepreneurship is the fabric of what America is all about"
"Buy best of breed companies."
"Luck is not a business model"
"The best minds are not in government If any were business would steal them away"
"If you want to build a great company, focus on building a great product."
"To be a successful business owner and investor, you have to be emotionally neutral to winning and losing. Winning and losing are just part of the game."
"The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of holding meetings"
"Product management really is the fusion between technology, what engineers do, and the business side"