Creativity Quotes
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity"
"When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success"
"To be a good actor you have to be something like a criminal to be willing to break the rules to strive for something new"
"My business is words. Words are like labels, or coins, or better, like swarming bees."
"The beautiful feeling after writing a poem is on the whole better even than after sex, and that's saying a lot."
"Saints have no moderation, nor do poets, just exuberance."
"Understand that I am trying to make music out of my life."
"The last thing one discovers in composing a work is what to put first "
"When you need to innovate, you need collaboration"
"You fail only if you stop writing."
"I don't need an alarm clock. My ideas wake me."
"I want to be known for the songs I write handlers"
"What I enjoy most are the challenges that the writing process presents"
"A movie script is a barebones thing, and publishing a novel is like opening yourself up for criticism and analysis"
"I think most of the people involved in any art always secretly wonder whether they are really there because they're good or there because they're lucky."
"To me, the whole process of being a brush stroke in someone else's painting is a little difficult."
"A writer survives on his weaknesses and gets killed by his strengths."
"Every true writer is like a bird; he repeats the same song, the same way, in a different tree."
"You make music to move people "
"I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything."