Integrity Quotes
"A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others."
"I respect myself and insist upon it from everybody And because I do it, I then respect everybody, too"
"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled"
"To think is easy To act is hard But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking"
"Wisdom is only found in truth"
"To speak the truth is an easy matter, and to speak lies is easy too."
"The glue that holds all relationships together, including the relationship between the leader and the led, is trust, and trust is based on integrity."
"Truth is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes"
"The soul that is within me no man can degrade"
"I prefer to be true to myself even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others rather than to be false and to incur my own abhorrence"
"Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist."
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him"
"You have to be careful, because you don't want your use of attention to become a form of manipulation. "
"The last temptation is the greatest treason to do the right deed for the wrong reason"
"Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its jagged edges"
"Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others "
"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have"
"If we aren’t willing to pay a price for our values, then we should ask ourselves whether we truly believe in them at all."
"The promise given was a necessity of the past the word broken is a necessity of the present"
"One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised "