Life Philosophy Quotes
"Success is not the key to happiness Happiness is the key to success"
"Live for today, hope for tomorrow"
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
"This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play."
"I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine."
"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like wate"
"Empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality."
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living."
"It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time."
"Our goal is to go out like Willie Nelson — on a high!"
"Peace begins with a smile."
"I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness."
"Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more."
"Joy is a net of love in which you can catch souls."
"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."
"Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a permanent attitude."
"Let no man pull you so low as to hate him."
"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change."
"It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve and bad things are very easy to get."