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Literature Quotes
"Don't talk about it; write."
Ray Bradbury
"You could tell a lot about a man by the books he keeps"
Walter Benjamin
"All great literature either founds a genre or dissolves one"
Walter Benjamin
"A wise man should so write (though in words understood by all men), that wise men only should be able to commend him."
Thomas Hobbes
"The calm, cool face of the river asked me for a kiss "
Langston Hughes
"People create stories create people; or rather stories create people create stories"
Chinua Achebe
"Visit many good books, but live in the Bible."
Charles Spurgeon
"Writing is the process of creating life itself"
Etel Adnan
"Understand that poetry is not meant to be understood"
Rainer Maria Rilke
"We are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men"
T. S. Eliot
"We have lingered in the chambers of the sea"
T. S. Eliot
"Be careful about reading health books. You may die"
Mark Twain
"Be awesome! Be a book nut!"
Dr. Seuss
"I will show you fear in a handful of dust"
T. S. Eliot
"Every phrase and every sentence is an end and a beginning"
T. S. Eliot
"These fragments I have shored against my ruins"
T. S. Eliot
"It's like Tolstoy said. Happiness is an allegory, unhappiness a story."
Haruki Murakami
"Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how "
Haruki Murakami
"So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore"
Dr. Seuss
"I am the darker brother, they send me to eat"
Langston Hughes