Personal Growth Quotes
"Call it a curse or just call me blessed, if you can't handle my worst, you ain't getting my best."
"Good advice I always hated, but looking back it made me greater."
"There is no such thing as a grown person who has forgotten their childhood"
"To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions. "
"I think it’s important to always reinvent yourself and to innovate. We all have the same potential to become a better version of ourselves"
"The moment I stop having fun with it, I’ll be done with it."
"You feel that sting, right? That's pride. Fucking with you."
"Talent develops in quiet places, character in the full current of human life "
"If you start to think about your physical or moral condition, you usually find that you are sick "
"The child who has increased his own independence with the acquisition of new capabilities, can do more and more things by himself. This is a child who has become a person who knows, thinks and acts spontaneously."
"Discipline must come through liberty. Here is a great principle which is difficult for followers of man-made disciplines to understand."
"A child in work becomes a person with many attributes, one who is independent, able to make decisions, open to the world and aware of the world around him."
"Only practical work and experience lead the young to maturity."
"Education demands only this: the utilization of the inner powers of the child for his own instruction."
"Look inside my soul and you can find gold and maybe get rich "
"But what love got to do with it when you don't love yourself?"
"Wondering if I’ve stalled my career at this point isn't a productive use of my time"
"I find my life is a lot easier the lower I keep my expectations"
"Perfect ain't perfect if you don't include the mistakes"
"An authentic faith, which is never comfortable or completely personal, always involves a deep desire to change the world."