Personal Growth Quotes
"If its not a clear yes, then its a clear no"
"Balance is all about the work-life choices you make every day, and how authentic you want to be to the core of yourself"
"Life is too short to hang out with people who aren't resourceful"
"I’ve always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be"
"If you don't have a passion for something, you'll never achieve it."
"99% of failures come from people who make excuses."
"Greatest danger in life: taking yourself too seriously."
"The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none"
"No pressure, no diamonds"
"Unrest of spirit is a mark of life."
"Experience, travel - these are an education in themselves"
"Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future."
"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines."
"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."
"What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality."
"Character is simply habit long continued."
"Change your thoughts and you change your world"
"Believe in yourself Have faith in your abilities Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy"
"I learned the value of hard work by working hard."
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life"