Randomness Quotes
"Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance"
"We are prone to overestimate how much we understand about the world and to underestimate the role of chance in events"
"We have been fragilizing the economy, our health, political life, education, almost everything by suppressing randomness and volatility"
"Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity"
"Randomness is indistinguishable from complicated, undirected effort"
"What we observe is not a pure randomness, but a mixture of order and disorder, of patterns and chaos, of regularities and irregularities"
"Luck is mere statistical flukes."
"Nothing in nature is random A thing appears random only through the incompleteness of our knowledge"
"The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won’t find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice"
"The essence of life is statistical improbability on a colossal scale."
"The fooled-by-randomness effect applies to both the forecasters and those misled by their forecasts"