"初雪の日に毎年若返る どうか目覚まし時計になって 愛を込めてタイムストップして"
— Anne Sexton
Simplified Meaning:
The speaker feels rejuvenated and excited when they see the first snowfall of the year. It's as if the snow has the power to make them feel younger and more alive. They are asking for love to act like an alarm clock, to capture their attention and make them pause in that moment. This request is about wanting to hold onto that feeling of youth and happiness that comes with the first snow. Imagine a child waiting eagerly for the first snowfall to go outside and play. The snow gives them joy and energy. The speaker wants love to make them feel like that child again, to stop them in their tracks and appreciate the simple, beautiful moments in life. Anyone can apply this by seeking out those small things that bring them joy and asking their loved ones to remind them to enjoy these experiences fully.