— Antonio Lobo Antunes
Simplified Meaning:
When people want to make something beautiful or impressive, like a painting, a story, or even a simple project, they need to care a lot about it. For example, imagine a musician writing a song. If they are feeling really happy or very sad, they can make music that touches others because they're putting their real feelings into it. It's like when a friend tells you about a really exciting adventure they had. The excitement in their voice makes the story more interesting to you. To do great work, you have to be passionate or deeply connected to what you're doing. If you don't feel much about it, your work might turn out plain or uninspiring. Think about famous speeches in history, like Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream." He spoke with such strong feelings because he deeply believed in what he was saying, and that’s why his words moved so many people. In your own life, if you find something you really care about, your efforts will show strength and meaning. Whether it's a hobby, a job, or helping others, putting your heart into it makes the result much better. So, next time you're working on something important to you, let your feelings guide you and your work will shine.