"الناس الذين يشعرون بالحنين إلى الطفولة لم يكونوا أطفالاً على الإطلاق"
— Bill Watterson
Simplified Meaning:
When some people look back at their childhood, they think of it as a perfect and carefree time. They forget that being a child actually had its own set of challenges and problems. For example, children often deal with things like making friends, doing well in school, and understanding their emotions. It's not always fun and games; growing up includes many hard moments too. If you remember your childhood as perfect, you might not be remembering the hard parts or you might be looking at the past through a lens that makes it seem better than it really was. To use this in your life, try to appreciate where you are right now without always longing for the past. Today has its own good things and challenges, just like childhood did. Embracing the present can make life more fulfilling.