"Je ne suis pas ton ami ou quoi que ce soit zut"
— Billie Eilish
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, you have to be clear about boundaries with others. When someone says "I'm not your friend or anything," they are emphasizing that they don’t have a close or friendly relationship with you. Think about it like this: imagine someone at work keeps asking you to do extra favors like covering their shifts, but you don’t really know them well. You might need to remind them that your relationship is just professional, not personal. By doing this, you make it clear that you can’t always help them out as a friend would. This kind of honesty can prevent misunderstandings and help keep relationships straightforward. It’s a way to make sure everyone knows where they stand with each other.
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Assertiveness Attitude Boundary Confrontation Disconnection Emotions Friendship Independence Personal space RelationshipFEATURED QUOTES