"لا يوجد طريق إلى السعادة. السعادة هي الطريق."
— Buddha
Simplified Meaning:
People often think they need to achieve certain things to be happy, like getting a good job, buying a house, or finding the perfect partner. However, true happiness isn't about reaching a specific goal in the future. Instead, it’s about enjoying the journey and finding joy in the little moments of everyday life. For example, imagine a person who loves painting. If they only focus on selling their art and making money, they might feel stressed and unhappy. But if they take pleasure in the act of painting itself, every day can be fulfilling and happy. So, instead of seeing happiness as a destination you have to arrive at, try to experience it in your daily actions and thoughts. This mindset helps you live a more content and joyful life, because you’re not always waiting for something else to make you happy.