"الروح الحرة نادرة، لكنك تعرفها عندما تراها، أساسًا لأنك تشعر بالارتياح، ارتياح كبير، عندما تكون بالقرب منهم أو معهم."
— Charles Bukowski
Simplified Meaning:
Some people are just different in a very special way. They are not like everyone else because they live their lives without worrying too much about what others think. Instead, they are happy and confident in being themselves. When you are around such people, you can tell right away because they make you feel happy and comfortable. Imagine there is a person at work or school who always has a big smile, a kind word for everyone, and doesn't seem bothered by stress. Their positive attitude and freedom from worries can brighten your day. Just being near them lifts your spirits. They remind you of all the good things in life, and their happiness is contagious. If you start to feel like their joy rubs off on you, that’s a sign of a free soul. Try to spend time with such people because they can inspire you to be more like them - confident and happy.