"Quería el mundo entero o nada."
— Charles Bukowski
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about having extreme desires or ambitions. It's like saying you either want everything you can possibly have, or you won't settle for anything less. It shows a person who is very determined and doesn't want to compromise on their dreams. Imagine a student who wants to be the top in their class. They study hard day and night, aiming for the highest grades, scholarships, and awards. They won't be happy with just passing or doing okay; they want to be the best or nothing at all. This type of thinking can be very motivating, pushing someone to work very hard and achieve great things. However, it can also be risky because if they don’t achieve their ultimate goal, they might feel like a failure, even if they did very well. In life, it's important to aim high but also appreciate smaller successes and not get too discouraged if you don’t get everything you wanted. Balancing big dreams with realistic expectations can lead you to a fulfilling and less stressful life.