"المرونة العاطفية والذكاء العاطفي هما مهمان للغاية للرفاهية لدرجة أنهما ينافسان معدل الذكاء والخبرة التقنية كصفات لا بد من امتلاكها لأي شخص."
— Daniel Goleman
Simplified Meaning:
Being able to handle emotions and understand others' feelings is just as important for a happy and successful life as being smart or having technical skills. For example, in a workplace, a person who can stay calm under stress and communicate well with coworkers will often do better than someone who is simply very intelligent but can't manage their emotions or work well with others. Imagine two doctors: one is very knowledgeable but gets angry easily and doesn't listen to patients, while the other may not know every detail but is kind, listens carefully, and handles stress well. Patients and colleagues will likely prefer and trust the second doctor more. This shows that emotional strength and understanding are key for strong relationships and a successful life. By focusing on developing these traits, anyone can improve their well-being and effectiveness in various aspects of life.