"成功不是赚钱的结果 赚钱是成功的结果"
— Earl Nightingale
Simplified Meaning:
When you achieve big goals or do something really well, money often follows because people value what you've done. Think of a famous actress like Meryl Streep. She is successful because she acts amazingly well and takes on important roles, and because of this, she earns a lot of money. It's not that she started by making lots of money and then became a great actress. First, she became great at acting, and then the money came. If you focus on being really good at what you do, whether it’s cooking, teaching, or building things, people will notice and reward you. In life, aim to excel and do your best; the financial rewards usually come afterward.
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Achievement Business Entrepreneurship Financial success Mindset Money Motivation Personal growth Success WealthFEATURED QUOTES