"El mundo necesita unión, no separación. Amor, no sospecha. Un futuro común, no aislamiento."
— Etel Adnan
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about the importance of people coming together and working as one instead of being divided. It suggests that we should show kindness and trust each other, rather than being doubtful and mistrusting. Imagine a neighborhood where everyone knows and helps each other; people feel safe and happy because they share a sense of community. This quote encourages us to create that kind of caring environment on a larger scale, like between different countries and cultures. In practical terms, it means we should work towards understanding and helping one another so that we can all succeed together. By fostering love and collaboration, we are more likely to build a better, more connected future for everyone.
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Common future Community Connection Hope Inclusivity Love Peace Solidarity Togetherness UnityFEATURED QUOTES