"私は野心も欲望もありません 詩人であることは私の野心ではなく それは一人でいるための方法です"
— Fernando Pessoa
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about someone who doesn't chase big goals or have lots of wants. For this person, being a poet isn't about seeking fame or achieving something great. Instead, writing poetry is a way for them to find peace and be by themselves. Imagine a person who loves gardening, not because they want to sell flowers or win a gardening contest. They just enjoy spending time with their plants because it makes them happy and relaxed. Similarly, the poet writes to enjoy solitude and find a personal space, not to get attention or praise. In their life, the poetry offers a quiet refuge, a special place to be alone with their thoughts.
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Ambition Creativity Desire Individualism Inner peace Introversion Isolation Poetry Self-expression SolitudeFEATURED QUOTES