Love is what makes the heart truly happy and balanced.
“Success isn’t overnight. It’s when everyday you get a little better than the day befor...”
“I strongly believe that missionaries make better products. They care more. For a missionar...”
“The more you confront the uncomfortable, the more you will become comfortable with it”
“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?”
“Dedication makes dreams come true.”
“I believe the truth is only offensive when we’re lying.”
“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them”
“The only limits that exist are the ones we place on ourselves. Dare to dream, and anything...”
“Hurt me with the truth. Don’t comfort me with a lie”
“Everyone is jealous of what you got, but no one is jealous of how you got it”
“It always seems impossible until it's done.”
“You make your own luck by working really hard and trying lots and lots of things”