“All humanity is passion; without passion, religion, history, novels, art would be ineffectual”
— Honore de Balzac
Simplified Meaning:
People are driven by strong emotions and desires. These feelings give life meaning and energy. Without these powerful emotions, important parts of our culture wouldn't exist or matter. For example, religion inspires deep faith and devotion, history tells dramatic and motivational stories, novels stir up our imaginations and emotions, and art captures our deepest feelings. Think about how a beautiful painting can make you feel happy or how a moving story can make you cry. If we didn't feel passionate about these things, they wouldn't have the power to touch our lives. To put it simply, our emotions bring life and soul to everything we do and create. If you find what you are passionate about, you can put your whole heart into it, making your own contribution to the world richer and more impactful.