"ما الذي يمكن أن يكون قذراً جداً، منحطاً جداً، محبطاً جداً لدرجة أنه لا يمكن قراءته أو التحدث عنه؟ إذا كانت الأدب لا تستطيع التعامل مع الجوانب القذرة للحياة، فما هو الغاية منها؟"
— Ian McEwan
Simplified Meaning:
Some things in life are really bad or unpleasant. These are parts of reality, even if they make us sad or uncomfortable. Writing and stories shouldn't ignore these parts because they help us understand the full picture of life. For example, a book about someone overcoming poverty or a tough upbringing can inspire others who are in similar situations. If stories only talk about happy or easy things, they miss out on showing us the real struggles people face. By including the tough, messy parts of life, literature can teach us empathy and resilience, and help us connect with the experiences of others.
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