"La gravité explique les mouvements des planètes mais elle ne peut pas expliquer qui met les planètes en mouvement"
— Isaac Newton
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is saying that science can describe how things work, like how gravity makes the planets move around the sun. However, science cannot answer deeper questions about why these things happen or who might have started them. It's like knowing how a car engine works because you studied its parts and how they fit together. But knowing how an engine works doesn't tell you who built the car or why they made it. In life, this can mean that while we can learn how things operate, there are still some big questions about existence and purpose that science alone cannot answer. So, someone might understand weather patterns and predict a storm, but they may still wonder about the larger reasons behind the universe's existence. Therefore, people might look to philosophy, religion, or personal beliefs to find meaning beyond what science explains.