"Con las ciudades sucede como con los sueños todo lo imaginable puede ser soñado pero incluso el sueño más inesperado es un jeroglífico que oculta un deseo o su inverso un temor."
— Italo Calvino
Simplified Meaning:
When we look at cities, they can seem just as strange and varied as dreams. Anything we think of or imagine can happen in our dreams, just like anything can be built or occur in a city. Even the weirdest dream has a hidden meaning, often connected to something we really want or something that scares us. For example, someone might dream of flying, which could show their desire for freedom, or being chased, revealing a fear. Cities, too, can reflect the hopes and fears of the people living there: a tall skyscraper might show ambition, while a run-down area could show neglect or fear. Understanding this can help us see cities as expressions of human feelings and motivations, making them easier to navigate and improve.