"Las empresas rara vez son criticadas por las cosas que no intentaron hacer. Pero muchas veces, son criticadas por las cosas que intentaron y en las que fallaron."
— Jeff Bezos
Simplified Meaning:
Businesses are often not blamed for ideas they never worked on. However, when they do try something new and it doesn’t work out, people often complain. Think about a restaurant that never changes its menu. Customers might not talk much about it. But if the same restaurant introduces a new dish and it tastes bad, people will criticize. This suggests that fear of criticism can stop businesses from being innovative. To apply this in life, one should understand that failure is a part of trying new things. Instead of worrying about negative feedback, focus on the learning and growth that comes from experimenting.
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Business strategy Corporate culture Failure Innovation Leadership and management Learning from failure Organizational behavior Risk managementFEATURED QUOTES