"لم يكن الثراء والشهرة هدفي أبدًا. أحب التمثيل وأريد أن أتمكن من أداء أدوار رائعة حقًا."
— Jenn Proske
Simplified Meaning:
The person talking isn't interested in having a lot of money or being well-known. They simply enjoy acting and want to get roles in movies or plays that they find exciting and challenging. It's like someone who loves baking not caring about opening a big bakery, but just wanting to make the best cakes they can. They find happiness and fulfillment in doing what they love, rather than in the fame or wealth it might bring. For example, some artists create art because it brings them joy, even if it never gets displayed in a famous gallery. This mindset can help you focus on what truly makes you happy instead of chasing after things that might not bring you satisfaction.
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Acting Artistic expression Career goals Dedication Passion Personal fulfillment Success