"Ahora te muestran cómo los detergentes eliminan las manchas de sangre, una imagen bastante violenta. Creo que si tienes una camiseta llena de manchas de sangre, tal vez la lavandería no sea tu mayor problema."
— Jerry Seinfeld
Simplified Meaning:
When you see commercials for laundry detergents, they often show the impressive ability to clean tough stains like blood. But if you have a shirt with bloodstains on it, you might have more serious issues to address than just cleaning your clothes. For example, if someone’s shirt has blood on it, we should first consider if they are hurt or if something dangerous happened to them. Worrying about removing the stain would be less important compared to making sure the person is safe and healthy. This can apply to our lives, too. Sometimes we focus on fixing small problems while ignoring bigger, more important ones. We should make sure to take care of our well-being and safety before stressing over the smaller, everyday issues.
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