"من يتحكم في وسائل الإعلام يتحكم في العقل"
— Jim Morrison
Simplified Meaning:
When one group or person has power over the media, they can influence what people think and believe. Think of the media as television, newspapers, and social media. If a few companies own all the TV channels and social media sites, they can decide what news stories to show and which ones to hide. This means these companies can shape public opinion by highlighting information that fits their agenda while ignoring other important details. Consider a historical example: during World War II, governments used propaganda to influence their citizens' views about the war. They controlled the media to only show positive reports about their side and negative ones about the enemy, which made people support the war effort without questioning it. In today's world, be careful about believing everything you see on the news or online. Look for information from different sources to get a fuller picture. This way, you can form your own opinions based on a range of perspectives, instead of just accepting what the media tells you.