"Blâmer les autres pour vos problèmes est une perte de temps complète"
— Jordan Peterson
Simplified Meaning:
When we blame other people for the things that go wrong in our lives, we give up our own power to make things better. Imagine you have a favorite toy and it breaks. If you say it's someone else's fault and do nothing, the toy stays broken. But if you accept that it's broken and then find a way to fix it, or ask for help fixing it, you have taken control of the situation. In life, many things are like that. If you have a problem and only blame others, you never take the steps to solve it yourself. For example, if you don't get a job you wanted, you could blame the interviewer for not liking you. But if you instead ask for feedback and work on your interview skills, you'll be better prepared next time. By taking responsibility, you can learn, grow, and become stronger. This way, you're not wasting time on blame, but investing time in improving yourself.