"عندما لا تتقدم في الحياة، تتقدم الحياة عليك."
— Les Brown
Simplified Meaning:
If you stay stuck in one place or situation and don't take action, life will keep going without you. Think about it like this: imagine you are standing still on a moving walkway at the airport. If you don't walk, the walkway keeps moving and it carries you forward whether you like it or not. In real life, this means that if you don't make decisions or changes when you need to, things will still change around you and you might end up in situations you don't want or like. For example, if someone hates their job but doesn't start looking for a new one, the company could go through changes that make the job even worse or they might even lose it without being prepared. This advice encourages you to be proactive and take control of your life. By making positive choices, you can guide your own path instead of just letting things happen to you.