The person feels driven and inspired because they enjoy playing their favorite game.
“When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.”
“Your mind must be stronger than your feelings”
“I like the challenge of trying different things and wondering whether it’s going to work...”
“You have to remember something: Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn.”
“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning, the devil says, “Awe s...”
“Bad artists copy. Good artists steal. ”
“In the end it is about trying, failing and improving.”
“Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending”
“Focusing on one thing and doing it really, really well can get you very far”
“Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer”
“I know this world is cold and deceiving but I keep my head up like my nose is bleeding”
“The greatest lessons in life are often learned through failure. Embrace it, learn from it,...”