"أنا لا أكتب كتابًا ليكون الكلمة النهائية أنا أكتب كتابًا لكي تكون هناك كتب أخرى ممكنة ليس بالضرورة أن أكون أنا من يكتبها"
— Michel Foucault
Simplified Meaning:
When someone writes a book, they aren't trying to say the last or final thing on a topic. Instead, their book is meant to inspire others and spark new ideas. For example, think about a cooking recipe. If one chef writes a recipe for a new dish, they aren't saying it's the only way to make it. Other chefs might take that recipe, tweak it, and come up with their own versions. In the same way, a book can lead others to explore, research, and write more on the subject. This creates a chain of knowledge and creativity, where everyone's contributions build on each other. The idea is to keep the conversation going and encourage continuous learning and discovery.
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