"الرجل الذي ينظر إلى العالم في سن الخمسين كما كان ينظر إليه في سن العشرين قد أضاع ثلاثين عامًا من حياته."
— Muhammad Ali
Simplified Meaning:
If a person thinks the same way at 50 years old as they did when they were 20, they haven't learned or grown much. Over time, we experience different things that should help us see the world differently and understand it better. For instance, when you are young, you might believe that success only means making a lot of money, but as you get older, you realize that happiness, friendships, and health are also important. If, at 50, you still only care about money and ignore other aspects of life, you missed out on learning valuable life lessons. This idea encourages us to keep learning and changing as we grow older, so we become wiser and more thoughtful people. It's like reading the same book over and over but never discovering the deeper meanings and lessons within its pages.