"La vie est tellement, tellement courte. La Bible dit qu'elle est comme une vapeur."
— Muhammad Ali
Simplified Meaning:
Life doesn’t last very long and can disappear quickly, just like steam from a kettle. One moment it’s there, and the next, it’s gone. Think about how quickly time has passed when you look back at old photos or remember childhood. Life moves fast, and we often don’t realize it until we look back. Imagine a flower that blooms beautifully in the morning but wilts by evening; that's how fleeting life can be. We should cherish the time we have and make the most of it. Spend time with loved ones, follow your dreams, and don’t put off important things. By remembering how short life is, we can focus on what truly matters and live each day fully.
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Bible Christianity Life Life philosophy Mortality Religion Short life Spirituality TransienceFEATURED QUOTES