"من همیشه از نصیحت خوب متنفر بودم، اما وقتی به گذشته نگاه میکنم میبینم که مرا بزرگتر کرد."
— Nicki Minaj
Simplified Meaning:
When someone offers good advice, it can often feel annoying or frustrating at the moment, especially if it points out things we don't want to hear or deal with. However, as time passes, we start to see that the advice was actually helpful and made us better people. For example, think about a time when a parent or teacher told you to study hard even when you wanted to play. At the moment, that advice might have felt like a burden, but later, when you did well in an exam or got a good job because of those habits, it all made sense. This kind of advice helps shape us and our future, even if it's tough to accept right away. So, next time you get advice that you don't like, remember it might just be what you need to hear to improve and grow stronger.