“Dust unto dust, to this end we must come”
— Omar Khayyam
Simplified Meaning:
Everything in life eventually comes to an end. Just like how a toy will eventually get old and break, people also have their time. When someone is born, they will eventually grow up, live their life, and one day, they will pass away. It's a cycle, much like a plant sprouting from a seed, growing tall, and later withering away. It's a natural part of life that everything - people, animals, plants, and things - comes from something and goes back to where it started. Understanding this can help us appreciate and make the most of the time we have. Instead of being sad about things ending, we can focus on enjoying and valuing them while they last.
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Death Ephemerality Existence Fate Human condition Inevitability Life cycle Mortality Philosophy TransienceFEATURED QUOTES