“The birds do not sing because they have answers, they sing because they have songs.”
— Rabindranath Tagore
Simplified Meaning:
Birds sing because it's their natural way to express themselves, not because they know all the answers to life's questions. Their singing is just a part of who they are, and it brings joy and beauty to the world. Similarly, in life, people don't need to have all the solutions or be perfect to share their talents, thoughts, and happiness with others. For example, a person who loves to paint creates art not because they have something deep and profound to say, but simply because they enjoy painting and it makes them happy. This idea reminds us that it’s okay to express ourselves and share our passions just for the sake of it. We don't always need a big reason or goal. By doing what we love, we can add something positive to the world and our lives, just like birds do with their songs.