"Las raíces debajo de la tierra no reclaman recompensas por hacer fructíferas las ramas."
— Rabindranath Tagore
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is saying that the important work done behind the scenes often goes unnoticed. Just like the roots of a tree stay hidden underground but are essential for the tree to grow and bear fruit, sometimes people who do the hard work don't get recognized. For example, think about a big concert or a movie. We usually see and praise the performers and actors, but we often forget about the team of people who set up the stage, handle the lights, or manage the camera. Without them, the show wouldn't be possible. The idea here is that even if you don’t get applause for what you do, your hard work still has a big impact. It’s a reminder to appreciate and value the efforts of everyone, not just those in the spotlight. This quote encourages us to keep doing our best work, whether or not we get credit for it, because it's essential and makes a difference.