"حتى وأنا مدمن ظللت مخلصًا لمبادئي، وهذا بالتأكيد لم يكن ليشكل مشكلة: لقد كنت سأتخذ طفلًا وأرفعه عاليًا وأقول هذا الطفل أُرسل إلى الأرض ليدمر جميع الأطفال ومن ثم أعيده إلى أمه."
— Russell Brand
Simplified Meaning:
This person is saying that even when they were at their worst, they still followed their own rules. They give an example of a silly, extreme thing they might do but still act in the way that follows their personal principles.
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Addiction Controversial Dark humor Hyperbole Introspection Mental state Parenthood Redemption Self-identityFEATURED QUOTES